
This morning myself and my little love did some gallivanting around our local area and I took some photos along the way. I love how photography makes you focus on the little things, whether it is a smile or a look from a loved one, or the little details along the path that we often overlook. 

Two of My Loves

 Yesterday Aisling had the day off work and I'd been thinking recently how it was funny that she is the one who did all the art subjects in school, and I was more into the science and humanities stuff... aka the boring subjects :P I'm one of those people who kinda liked high school, and especially liked getting good grades in classes that came easy to me, and English and Biology somehow just clicked. These days I sort of wish that I had done Art in school as its only in the past few years that I've started learning lighting, composition and the theory behind what makes something visually appealing. I wonder if I had started earlier would it have changed anything? Perhaps not, as I'm pretty sure having my little guy to take photos of all the time is what has actually driven me to improve my skills this year, no amount of art subjects or theory can compare to a new mums desire to freeze time as their little baby grows up before their eyes.

But anyway, getting back to my original thought, I was wondering if Ash might be up for a creative shoot and she was :) Happy days! I really love experimenting with lighting and props/materials just to see what happens, and its fun scheming about other shoots we could do, not to mention it is just fun to work with my sister as we've never really done much creative stuff together up until now.

I also snapped a few pics of Tavi and Ash together, two of my loves that I love so very much :)


Sometimes I like to turn around in the car and peek at him through my headrest.

 To remind me how gosh darn cute he is.

To remind me that I already have the best job ever. Loving this boy.

Goodbye Holidays

Chris is back to work :( boo! But we did have a great last day of the holidays going for a picnic out near Darboro/Samsonvale. Tavi and I are going to miss having him home so much!

We've been thinking more and more about what we would like for our future, for our family, and for our little son. Even though teaching does have its benefits we're not convinced that it will be Chris's life long career, which is a little bit daunting but also very exciting. My goal is for us to be able to live with less income so that he can be home more, and we can spend more time with each other and investing into this precious little life that we have been given to look after.

It is funny that Chris and I have both studied education, but lately idea of homeschooling is starting to look very attractive. I'm convinced that kids learn so much more from their parents than they ever will from any teacher, regardless of whether you home school or not, so teaching him will always be a priority for us, whether Tavi goes to school or not. We've also been talking to friends who have been home schooled and plan to home school their children and their reasoning why, and so far it seems like it might be a good fit for us.

I know, the pants are ridiculously huge. But also undeniably cute :P

We stopped off at a lavender farm but it won't be in full bloom till June. I'm hoping to buy some extension tubes for one of my lenses by then so should be able to get some cool macro shots. I also took my first panoramic shot yesterday, so much more to learn but its a start :) Next time I'm thinking sunset or the beach or the city, or perhaps all of them.


Our little nephew Jace is coming over this afternoon for us to take photos of him :) Looking forward to more newborn cuddles, he is just so tiny and cute! Will definitely share some pics of him next week.

Tavi is getting more and more active every day, having his own mini adventures and exploring his world. Speaking of which...

I miss this

Ok so obviously I've been a little preoccupied lately, where my last post left off is where I've been for the majority of the past few months: Photography! I love it, like ridiculously, insanely, thinking about it 24/7, get jitters before a photo shoot kind of love. But, I do miss this too. We had a little impromptu family jam the other day, Chris on guitar and vocals, me chiming in when I wasn't moving Tavi away from the decidedly un-baby friendly things in the studio, and our little drummer boy was playing a mini djembe- so cute. But it was then that I realized that as much as I absolutely love taking photos, I also love a lot of other creative things too. Weird for someone who never really thought of themselves in the least bit creative until recently. I miss doing music with Chris, whether its at home with friends or throwing a few instruments in the car and having a jam at the lake/beach/park, I miss sewing random things, and I miss writing down at least some of the multitude of thoughts that swirl around my brain all the time. I've always said this blog was mostly just for me to be able to look back on and that is so true, but I've realized its also a good way for me to process whatever is going on and have an outlet to write/ramble/muse about whatever I'm interested in at the moment. So I'm going to try to update more often, for my own good. Probably most will be random stream of consciousness style such as this, if you want more cohesive polished writing and better layout, probably best to check out our photography website ( but if you want to keep up with whatever we're up to, I'll keep writing here :)

And because no post is complete without a photo, here is a picture of our little guy on his birthday :)

Family Fun at the Park

You know what I like about taking photos in North Lakes? There is at least one park within five minutes of every house, so during our shoot yesterday we spent some time down at the local park...